About Me - Psychic Tricia
I come from a long line of gifted psychics and clairvoyants. As far back as 5 generations there have been talented psychics in my family. I have known that I am psychic since the age of 5. I have have traveled all over the world to study different cultures, medicine, healing, herbs, and gems. I am a Master Psychic, Clairvoyant, and Chakra Therapist. I am very devoted to learning the techniques and proper procedures for the various services I offer. I can do tarot card, palm, runes,
Egyptian Sand, Hawaiian Black Sand, tea leaves, and aura readings with incredible accuracy. I am very knowledgeable about the benefits of varies semiprecious stones, crystals, and gems and keep many on hand to suit my client's individual needs. I effectively utilize the natural healing ability of herbs, aromatherapy, essential oils, reflexology, reiki, and acupuncture.
Being a clairvoyant and a spiritualist have made me a skilled and perceptive life coach and love therapist. My insight allows me to view my client's lives with a unique perspective. I am able to give advice based on the patterns I see from your past, current situation, and by taking a glimpse at your potential future. I can help shape your future path in life with my exceptional ability of clairvoyance. Past clients have claimed that I have amazing insight and the ability to improve their lives. See my client's testimonials for more details.
I enjoy being able to use my clairvoyant gift to improve the lives of those around me. If you have had a past bad experience with a psychic, please don't allow your previous experience to interfere with our conversations. Give me a chance to prove my abilities to you and I guarantee you won't be disappointed. I am confident in my abilities and how I am able to help my clients. I guarantee my services 100%. I even offer a FREE PSYCHIC READING to new clients so that you can experience my intuition and psychic abilities for yourself at no charge. Your initial free reading helps me to get to know you and recommend which of my readings or services would be the most useful to you! I look forward to speaking with you!